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Education Buildings Wales

Education Buildings Wales

1 July 2025 | Cardiff University

Book your Place        Get involved


Designing for Learning & Building a Sustainable Future for Education in Wales

Dylunio ar gyfer Dysgu ac Adeiladu Dyfodol Cynaliadwy ar gyfer Addysg yng Nghymru

  • Thank you to all those who submitted presentations! The Call for Presentations is now closed. The conference programme will be announced shortly...
  • Register now to be notified when the programme is announced and, if you are from the private sector, save on your delegate place by booking before 11 April

Join the annual gathering for the education sector in Wales!

Conference | Networking | Awards

The 8th edition of Education Buildings Wales will take place on 1 July 2025 at Cardiff University.

Education Buildings Wales is the only event of its kind dedicated to educational buildings in Wales, held in partnership with the Welsh Government, and focussing on the funding, design, build, maintenance and management of schools, colleges and universities.

Book your Place        Get involved




On the agenda are the key challenges facing estates & facilities professionals, the latest policies presented by representatives of the Welsh Government and notable trends, with real life examples that inspire and shape the future of learning environments

Conference information

Networking Area

Networking Area

Meet and promote your services to sector leaders at the annual gathering of key public sector influencers and decision makers, and all those involved in designing, delivering, refurbishing and supplying products/services for educational buildings.

Get involved



The Awards are a great occasion to celebrate excellence & achievement in Welsh education. It is an excellent opportunity to network with your peers whilst enjoying a luxurious 3 course meal.

Awards information

Join the annual gathering for the education sector in Wales!

Your delegate pass includes access to all our CPD-accredited conference sessions across 2 stages and networking opportunities throughout the day. Your ticket also includes a free lunch and coffee.

Public Delegate Pass: FREE

(This includes those directly employed in schools, colleges and universities, representatives from the Welsh Government and local authorities. All public sector delegates will be verified at registration.)

Private Delegate Pass: £176 (+ VAT)
Early release rate available until Friday 11 April.

Book your Place        Find out more        

In partnership with the Welsh Government

"The Welsh Government is leading the way in providing new and refurbished schools and colleges that are safe, inspiring and engaging for our learners and which will play a vital role in improving the lives of all learners" […] "Every one of you here today has a key role in this journey." 

Lynne Neagle MS Cabinet Secretary for Education, Welsh Government, speaking at Education Buildings Wales 2024

Lynne Neagle Headshot


Sponsor Partners/Partner Noddi:


Event Supporters/Cefnogwr y Gynhadledd:


Awards Charity

Prostate Cancer UK