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Education Buildings Wales Awards Logo

The Education Buildings Wales Awards will take place on 1 July 2025.

The Education Builings Wales Awards will be a fantastic occasion Celebrating Excellence & Achievement in Welsh Education. They are an excellent opportunity to network with your peers, enjoy a luxurious 3 course meal, and associate your company with the most inspiring and innovative projects in the Welsh education sector.

Award Category Sponsorship Package:  £3,000 + VAT

bbTable of 10 at the Education Buildings Wales Awards Dinner

bbListing in the Awards Dinner booklet and on the Awards Dinner pages of the Education Buildings Wales website

bbLogo to be included on Awards Dinner signage at the event

bbCompany logo on rotation with other sponsors during the duration of the Awards Dinner

bbFull page advert in the Awards Dinner booklet

bbCompany logo on stage during presentation of sponsored award category

bbCompany representative to present award to the winner of award category

bb2 conference passes to Education Buildings Wales

To book a partner sponsorship package

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Sponsor Partners / Partner Noddi:



Event Supporters / Cefnogwr y Gynhadledd: